, Singapore

Daily Briefing: Gojek partners with Deliveroo to provide food delivery; Holmusk closes $30.48m series A round

And Logos, CSC to redevelop a warehouse in Singapore.

From Channel News Asia:

Gojek drivers will now be able to provide food delivery services through a partnership with Deliveroo, according to an announcement.

Gojek said that its drivers will be allowed to deliver food in areas around central Singapore, such as Bukit Merah, Toa Payoh and Geylang.

This comes after Minister for Transport Khaw Boon Wan announced in March that taxi and private-hire car drivers would be allowed to provide food and grocery deliveries.

Gojek also announced it was partnering with education financing startup Advo and tech-driven food and beverage firm Ebb & Flow to provide more than 2,000 meals to vulnerable single-parent households in Singapore.

Gojek has previously spoken of plans to launch a food delivery service in Singapore, although it has not announced a timeline for doing so.

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From e27:

Data science and healthtech company Holmusk has closed a $30.48m (US$21.5m) funding round, led by US-based Optum Ventures (OV) and Health Catalyst Capital (HCC), according to an announcement.

Existing investor Singapore-based Heritas Capital and other unnamed individuals also joined the round.

The fresh funding will allow Holmusk to expand its US operations in New York City. A part of the funds will also be invested in its proprietary technology to harness and analyse real-world data to accelerate drug development and data-driven medicine.

Holmusk has offices in New York City, London, and Shanghai.

Read more here.  

From Deal Street Asia:

Australia-headquartered logistics property group LOGOS Group is partnering with CSC Holdings to redevelop an existing industrial site in Singapore into a modern ramp-up warehouse for $108m (US$76m), according to an announcement.

The redevelopment forms part of LOGO’s Singapore Logistics Ventures 2, which closed with an investment capital of $1.2b (US$846m). The fund seeks to acquire and develop modern logistics property in the city-state.

The partnership will redevelop 2 Tanjong Penjuru Crescent, a four-storey industrial property, into a 46,000-sqm six-storey ramp-up logistics facility.

CSC has committed to a long-term pre-lease for the property on completion.

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