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Two IHH Healthcare directors reject re-election bid

Their term will end after the conclusion of the upcoming AGM.

IHH Healthcare Berhad (IHH) said two of its directors have said they do not wish to keep their posts after their terms end at the conclusion of the 14th annual general meeting (AGM).

The company said it has received the notice from Tan Sri Mohammed Azlan bin Hashim and Ong Ai Lin, saying they do not want to be re-elected for another term.

IHH noted the directors will “retire by rotation in accordance with Clause 113(1) of the Constitution of the Company.” 

“Hence, they will retain office as Directors of the Company until the conclusion of the 14th AGM,” it added.

With this development, IHH said only the re-election of Satoshi Tanaka will be discussed during the AGM. 

ALSO READ: IHH unit to undergo liquidation due to dormancy

In a statement, Tan Sri Azlan expressed gratitude for serving IHH, initially as deputy chairman then as chairman over the last 13 years.

"With a refreshed management team and continued stewardship from the experienced Board of Directors, I am confident that IHH can reach even greater heights," he added.

The 14th AGM will be held on 28 May at 10 AM. This will be held on a virtual basis and conducted entirely through live streaming and remote voting using the remote participation and voting facilities from the broadcast venue.

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