, Singapore

Sri Trang Gloves stretches operations in US with new subsidiary

The subsidiary will serve as the US sales and distribution office.

SGX secondary-listed Sri Trang Gloves Company Limited (STGT) will expand its sales and distribution in the US after putting up its wholly-owned subsidiary, Sri Trang Responsible Gloves Supply (STRG) in Chicago.

The glove manufacturer said its new subsidiary will complement its other US-based company, Sri Trang USA, which is operating as a warehouse and distribution centre in Florida. 

STRG will help Sri Trang Glove’s customer base amongst the original equipment manufacturer industry and larger third-party distributors.

READ MORE: SGX-listed Sri Trang Gloves hits record net profit of $991.38m in FY21

STGT CEO Jarinya Jirojkul, said strong demand for gloves in the US will offer good growth opportunities for their company.

“The establishment of STRG will enable us to engage existing and prospective customers more effectively as we look to capture a larger slice of the American pie,” he said.

READ MORE: Sri Trang Gloves' new Chumphon facility begins production

Last year, the disposable glove market worldwide amounted to $17.3b (US$12.3b) and the US, the world’s largest market, accounted for 33% of the total revenue share.

$1 = US$0.71

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