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Capitaland Investment expands Scope 3 reporting

It added three emissions categories.

CapitaLand Investment Limited (CLI) has added three new Scope 3 categories to its operations: Purchased Goods and Services, Fuel and Energy-Related Activities, and Upstream Transportation and Distribution.

CLI has also expanded the scope of the Capital Goods category after reviewing its inventory of Scope 3 emissions, emission hotspots, and key decarbonisation levers across its value chain.

CLI strengthened its reporting in existing categories, like tenant consumption, to enhance initiatives with tenants and supply chains. 

In line with efforts to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 emissions, CLI launched its first captive 21-megawatt solar power plant in Tamil Nadu, India, to power its assets there.

In addition, the expanded use of green energy to 44 properties in Singapore, China, India, Australia, Belgium, Germany, India, Japan, Indonesia, and the UK, and 10 business parks in India also mitigated 41,000 tonnes of carbon emissions, equivalent to the annual emissions of over 8,900 petrol-powered cars. 

CLI’s asset enhancement initiatives (AEIs) also reduced energy intensity by 13.4% compared to 2019. With 60% of its portfolio attaining green ratings in 2023, CLI targets to achieve 100% certification by 2030. 

Moreover, 46% of CLI’s properties were certified LEED Gold and above or equivalent. 

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