, Singapore
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IMDA and Amazon partner to boost digital skills for Singaporeans

The initiative will focus on teaching safe online shopping and Gen AI.

The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and Amazon have partnered to advance digital skills for Singaporeans through the national Digital for Life movement.

The initiative will focus on teaching safe online shopping and generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) through community workshops led by volunteers from Amazon.sg, Amazon Payments, and AWS.

These workshops, supported by IMDA, will build on IMDA's Digital Skills for Life competencies, particularly "Transact Online" and "Be Safe, Smart, and Kind Online". 

Set to start in Septemberre, they will target diverse community groups, including Children’s Wishing Well, Club Rainbow, and Glyph Community, to enhance digital literacy for all ages.

The need for these workshops is highlighted by recent Singapore Police Force (SPF) data showing a 49.6% increase in scam and cybercrime cases in 2023. With 73% of victims being youths and adults under 50, educating these groups on online safety is critical.

Additionally, Amazon's role in this initiative follows its top ratings in Singapore's E-Commerce Marketplace Transaction Safety Ratings since April 2024 and its position as Vice-Chair of the Global Anti-Scam Alliance’s Singapore chapter. 

Moreover, the partnership will include Gen AI workshops conducted by AWS, teaching Singaporeans about AI's practical benefits and responsible use. The first workshop in June 2024 with the National Library Board introduced AI application creation to a diverse audience.

Amazon has also donated $100,000 to the Digital for Life Fund, matched by the Singapore Government, to support digital literacy and inclusion initiatives.

“As the digital space evolves, we recognise the importance of equipping Singaporeans with the tools and skills to stay safe online,” said Doreen Tan, assistant chief executive (Strategic Planning and Digital Readiness) of IMDA.

“Widespread education and collective action are critical armors in our fight against scams,” added Josen George, general manager of Amazon APAC. “We must strive to be a few steps ahead of them by working together, sharing our knowledge, and creating a safe environment for day-to-day activities online. 


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