Cables for an electricity power grid. Separately, the cable that Singtel and Telin will build would be a submarine cable system. Photo by Simona Sroková via Unsplash.

Singtel and Telin to build 100km submarine cable system between SG and Batam

By Q4 2026 it is expected to support the growing data centre traffic.

Singtel and PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin) have inked a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to develop a new submarine cable system connecting Singapore and Batam, Indonesia.

The 100-km cable system will be developed under the newly formed Indonesia-Singapore Cable System Consortium. Once operational in Q4 2026, the cable system is expected to support the surge in data centre telecommunications traffic between Singapore and Batam.

INSICA will feature a 24-fiber pair subsea cable and two diverse terrestrial cable paths, offering a maximum capacity of up to 20 terabits per second per fiber pair. 

The new diverse link provided by INSICA will enhance network protection and reliability, ensuring uninterrupted 24/7 operations for data centres.

Singtel has recently unveiled its new growth plan, aimed at improving customer experience and ensuring sustained value for shareholders.

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