Photo from Milieu Insight & JustCo

SME employees demand more wellness facilities in workspaces

One-third of SME employees said their workplaces lack wellness amenities.

A growing number of small and medium enterprise employees are demanding more wellness facilities in their workspaces, with one-third complaining about the lack of such amenities.

Data from Milieu Insight & JustCo showed that SME employees specifically want their offices to have a well-stocked pantry (47%) and nap rooms or relaxation areas (37%)

Additionally, ergonomic-focused office furnishings have emerged as the top consideration for preferred office design and aesthetics, with 59% of employees expressing this preference.

Besides having amenities, office location (80%) and strong technology infrastructure (55%) significantly impact SME employees' well-being.

Employees' strong preference for workspaces that promote positive mental well-being is likely because most (74%) describe their ideal work environment as "welcoming," "vibrant," or "collaborative." 

READ MORE: SMEs prefer standard office spaces over co-working options

SMEs have been actively seeking workspaces that promote employee well-being and community-focused working styles, but flexibility and budgetary constraints ultimately take precedence in their quest for the perfect office.

Over half of SMEs have complained about the lack of affordable options in their desired locations. Additionally, four in ten reported that most workspaces lack the flexibility to adapt to changing needs.

“Whilst cost and location remain important, decision-makers are increasingly seeking functional spaces that prioritise employee well-being beyond just productivity. The changing work landscape and economic uncertainties further emphasise the need for flexibility to adapt," said Kong Wan Long, Co-founder and Chief Commercial Officer at JustCo.

"Workspace solutions that encompass functionality, wellness, and flexibility will be key for SMEs to thrive in the long run,” Kong added.

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