Wong Ping (Photo from Frasers Property)

Frasers Property forms platform focusing on capital partnerships

Wong Ping will serve as the platform's Chief Investment Officer.

Frasers Property has formed a new platform focusing on growing capital partnerships with its long-term investors.

Called Frasers Property Capital, the platform will coordinate capital partnerships with like-minded investors keen to take part in the company’s growth as it pursues investment opportunities aligned with its strategic objectives.

The newly-formed group corporate function will be led by Wong Ping, who will act as Chief Investment Officer. 

According to Frasers Property, Wong is based in Frasers' Singapore headquarters and reports to Group Chief Corporate Officer, Chia Khong Shoong.

“I am looking forward to bringing a focus on capital partnerships in geographies and sectors where Frasers Property has developed robust capabilities, especially as the Group has built up the meaningful scale with its multinational network over the last few years," Wong said about her appointment.

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