Chart of the Day: RCR condo sales hit 1,717 units in Q2
New sales accounted for 1,151 transactions.
This chart from OrangeTee & Tie shows that sales of private non-landed homes in the Rest of Central Region (RCR) skyrocketed 55.4% QoQ to 1,717 units from only 1,105 units in the previous quarter.
New sales accounted for 1,151 transactions, followed by 561 resales and five sub-sales.
Overall sales volume in the segment surged 84.8% QoQ from 623 new homes in Q1 to 1,151 new homes in Q2 this year.
According to URA realis data, the average selling price of new homes surged 15.3% from $1,725 in Q1 2019 to $1,989 psf in Q2, the sharpest price increase seen over the past four years.