Chart of the day: More than 4 out of 5 S’poreans said cost of living went up
Older Singaporeans felt the brunt of the increase more strongly than those younger.
This chart from YouGov shows that more than four out of five Singaporeans have said that the cost of living went up.
Around 72% said that the cost of living went up a lot whilst 22% have said it went up just a little.
From the chart, we can see that older Singaporeans have felt the most about the cost of living going up. 80% of Gen X have said the cost of living is more expensive by a lot whilst 77% of baby boomers have said the same.
Only 52% of Gen Z Singaporeans have said that the cost of living is very high whilst 64% of millennials said the same.
To help cope with higher inflation, 1.5 million Singaporeans will receive a cash aid of $700 in cash from the government.