Women are travelling more to exotic destinations: study
Botswana and Armenia are becoming popular with Singaporean women.
Singaporean women are increasingly becoming well-travelled and prefer exotic destinations, according to a YouTrip survey.
The 100,000-respondent survey showed that women are travelling more this year, with the number of women visiting more than 10 countries rising to 1.4% versus only 0.1% last year.
Further, the number of countries visited by the top 100 women travellers rose 18% to 72 between August 2019 and February 2020, up from 59 compared to the previous period.
The United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, USA, Australia, Japan, Italy, South Korea, France and Denmark made up the top 10 most popular destinations. However, women travellers are gradually choosing exotic countries such as Botswana (36%), Armenia (33%), Ecuador (33%), Costa Rica (25%) and Mongolia (23%).
The popularity of women-only tours, which have posted huge growth in recent years, could be a reason why women are more interested in travelling to exotic locations, YouTrip noted.
Conventional travel destinations like South Korea (58%) and Taiwan (23%) still remain popular alongside Finland (19%) and Italy (17%).
Photo courtesy of Pexels.com.