77% of Singaporean moms want to juggle work with parenting
Super moms like to multi-task.
According to the Marriage and Parenthood Study by the National Population and Talent Division, women desire both family and work at the same time. Female respondents desired family and employment at the same time. 80% of single female respondents indicated their preference to be working mothers (comparable to 81% in 2007 and 79% in 2004).
Here's more from NPTD:
Among married female respondents, 77% indicated their preference to be employed after having a child (up from 62% in 2007 and 2004). Respondents were quite equally split between part-time and full-time employment options, although the percentage preferring part-time employment has increased to 40% in 2012 (compared to 19% in 2007 and 21% in 2004).
This suggests that part-time opportunities and more workplace flexibility could encourage women to remain in or return to the workforce.
The M&P Study 2012 is a survey commissioned by the NPTD, to understand the attitudes and motivations behind Singapore residents’ marriage and parenthood trends.
Similar surveys were conducted in 2007 and 2004. A total of 4,646 respondents aged 21 to 45 years old was surveyed for the 2012 study, comprising 2,120 single (never married) and 2,526 married individuals.