Chart of the Day

Chart of the Day: 5 most popular HDB towns amongst Singaporean homebuyers

The top 5 HDB towns accounted for 37.4% of transactions in 2Q23.

Chart of the Day: 5 most popular HDB towns amongst Singaporean homebuyers

The top 5 HDB towns accounted for 37.4% of transactions in 2Q23.

SG’s data centre vacancy rate hits record-low of less than 2%

The Lion City has under 4MW of available leasing space.

Chart of the Day: How did Singapore’s IPO market perform in 1H23?

Data from EY showed that Singapore only had 3 IPOs year-to-date.

Which sector has the strongest hiring intention for Q3?

Almost half (48%) of employers plan to hire in Q323.

SG’s office market hit by increasing vacancy pressure

A CBRE report showed that vacancy may hit around 10% by the end of 2023.

6 in 10 B2B organisations expect growth in marketing budgets next year 

They believe their “financial fluency” investment will finally pay off.

5 technologies likely to drive change in the construction industry

Seven in 10 firms plan to increase spending on construction technologies.

Industrial leasing volume rebounds in Q1

Volume increased by 2.5% YoY to 3,229 tenancies.

More than half of SG households have changed their grocery-buying habits

Forty-two per cent said they now have a lower budget for groceries.

Physical stores vs e-commerce: Which do Singaporeans prefer?

Over half of Singaporeans want to shop in-store and finish online, or vice versa.

What are Singaporeans’ preferred markets for commercial real estate investment?

Investors from SG deployed a total of US$15.8b into global real estate in 2022.

Chart of the Day: Prices of property sale listings grew 0.7% in Q1

It rebounded close to the data from the third quarter (Q3) of 2022.

What skills do Singapore employers value?

In terms of hard skills, most of them (72.2%) want employees with technical skills.