Chart of the Day

Chart of the Day: Shophouse sales volume down 46% YoY in Q1

It went down to 28 deals in the first few months of the year.

Chart of the Day: Singaporeans’ preferences towards travel

Half of the travellers are staying in five-star hotels.

Chart of the Day: Auction listings down 3% QoQ in Q1

The seasonal lull from the New Year led to the decline.

Chart of the Day: Why flexible workers go to their office

The majority go to the office to talk to their colleagues more efficiently.

Chart of the Day: OCR is the most active region in March developers' sales

Projects in the CCR dominated the top 10 bestselling projects.

Chart of the Day: Singaporeans' common concerns in receiving quality healthcare

Cost is the top concern but getting an appointment is the second top concern.

Chart of the Day: 63% SMEs are expecting their earnings to rise

More than half of businesses are reporting positive cash flow.

Chart of the Day: Gen Zs optimistic but cautious about crypto

More than two in 10 said they want to take a wait-and-see approach.

Chart of the Day: Women outpacing men in cryptocurrency investor growth

The percentage of females investing in crypto has gone up 7% since 2022.

Chart of the Day: 41% agree that travel is more needed since 2020

It is higher compared to the global average of 35%.

Chart of the Day: Worryingly, almost 8 in 10 fund managers still use fax

The report showed that 10% of fund managers’ businesses are fully manual.

Chart of the Day: Top three main drivers of automation for fund managers

Nearly seven in 10 are inclined to use automation for fund distribution.

Chart of the Day: 10% of fund managers' businesses are still unautomated

Asset servicers are less likely to be manual than investment managers.