More than half of Singaporeans plan to switch to an e-vehicle
Currently, only 15% have made the switch.
To act against climate change, 53.7% of Singaporeans said they plan to switch to an electric vehicle in the future.
Based on Epson’s latest Climate Reality Barometer, only 15% have made the switch so far.
Apart from switching to e-vehicles, Singaporeans have also begun recycling (31.9%), walking or cycling more often (31.9%), and reducing plastic use (29.3%) for more than a year.
According to Epson, the declining optimism of Singaporeans towards climate change (44%) has pushed them to take action.
READ MORE: More Singaporeans want a greener future but are doing more emissions-heavy activities
Amongst age groups, younger and middle-aged ranges are the most concerned about climate change, with respondents aged 16-24 (25.5%) and 35-44 (22.7%) citing climate change as the most pressing global issue.
Citing reports, Epson said extreme heat in Singapore could make the city-state uninhabitable.
“Temperatures are rising at twice the global average and scientists have warned that the combination of high heat and humidity is potentially one of the deadliest consequences of global warming,” said Epson.